
Jacob Chabot - Bumble

Eryk Donovan - Luke Skywalker

Joe Eisma - Darth Sidious

Marki Wolfson - C3PO

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Space Travel, Science Fiction and Other Worlds...

Justin Leiter - Alien Astronaut

Jeff Parker - Flash Gordon

Geof Darrow - Mechanical

Michael Grassia - Popeye

Annie Wu - Batgirl

Ray Alma - Alfred E Neuman : Mad Magazine

Greg Larocque - Black Cat

Russ Braun - Where Monsters Dwell

Jason Chatfield - Ginger Meggs

Nick Justus - Enemy Ace

Brittany Pezzillo - Wolf Spirit

Ben Caldwell - TMNT

Lynne Yoshii - Emma Frost

Scott Hanna - Batman

Fernando Ruiz - Predator

Toe Tag Riot - Sean Von Gorman

Allison Strejlau - Mystical Musician

Kelle Riley - Mystical Musician

Steven Bowman - Mystical Musician

Walt Simonson - Thor : Ragnarok