2015.04.12 East Coast Comic Con, Secaucus, NJ
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer first appeared in 1939 in a booklet written by Robert L. May and published by Montgomery Ward...
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer first appeared in 1939 in a booklet written by Robert L. May and published by Montgomery Ward...
Rudolph would gain immortality through the song written by Johnny Marks. Recorded by many artists through the years, the first commercially successful rendition was in 1949 by Gene Autry. Other artists include Bong Crosby, Spike Jones, Dean Martin, The Temptation, Burl Ives, The Jackson 5, Lynyrd Skynyrd and the list goes on...
Rudolph would gain further popularity in 1964 when Rankin/Bass Productions aired their stop-motion animated special on CBS television, which has never left the air-waves. The story follows a dejected Rudolph and Hermey the would be dentist elf who go on travels to help the misfit toys and their adventure with Yukon Cornelius and the dangerous abominable snowman "The Bumble"...
2014 marked the 75th anniversary of Rudolph and the 75th anniversary of the television special. A series of US postage stamps was released on November 6, featuring Rudolph and his friends. My favorite characters are Yukon Cornelius and the Bumble. I asked Jacob Chabot to draw the Bumble on the 2014 Rudolph Bumble first day cover...
Jacob Chabot is a cartoonist illustrator whose work has appeared in Nickelodeon Magazine, Savage Dragon, Marvel Comics and his own The Mighty Skullboy Army, from Dark Horse Comics. Skullboy was nominated for an Eisner Award in 20078 for Best Book for Teens...
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year....