Just a bit of information regarding stamps and comics, for reference purpose. Any hand drawn covers posted on this page are ones I do not own, but post for posterity:
Postcard of the Andy Gump on top of the world statue located on the Sidney Smith Estate, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin...The Gumps were a popular comic strip created by Sidney Smith in 1917 running until 1959. The Gumps popularity led to animated shorts in 1920, and Paramount two-reel comedies 1923-1928.
The "C.T. Art-Colortone" post card has a postmark from Pell Lake, Wis dated 1944.
Frenando Ruiz holding the Archie as the Shield sketch at Dewey's Comic City, Madison, NJ
Hand drawn Popeye by W.L. Evans who was Popeye's creator E.C. Segar's art teacher. The letter is addressed to Dave Kenner who was involved with the Popeye School of Cartooning and had one of his cartoons published as part of Popeye's Thimble Theatre strip..information from www.home.earthlink.net/~thimbletheatre/spotlightevans.html
This Charles Schulz Snoopy sketch on an Flag over the White House first day cover from 1969 was up for auction in England during the month of September 2010. It was expected to reach a value of 1,000 pounds..information found at www.cartoonphilately.blogspot.com
The following four postcards were found at Thrremeninatub, by way of Cartoon Philately
Archie by creator Bob Montana
Snuffy Smith by Fred Lasswell, who took over the strip from Billy DeBeck
Little Orphan Annie by creator Harold Gray
Lil Jinx by creator Joe Edwards
Stamp designer, space artist Robert McCall would often add artwork to first day covers that featured his stamp...
Stamp designer, space artist Paul Calle hand drawn first day cover for the Moon Landing stamp, more of his work can be seen at Callespaceart.com...
After James Anderson provided me with his great sketch of Ellie, he remembered that a stamp had been issued for Ellie journey to Planet X...
2011.08.19 Anaheim, Ca
5 stamps featuring Pixar characters: Lightning McQueen and Mater from Cars (2006), Remy the rat and Linguini from Ratatouille (2007), Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story 1995), Carl Fredricksen and Dug from Up (2009) and WALL*E (2008)
The stamps send the message that writing letters will brighten someone's spirits..Send a hello!
Floating Worlds - The Letters of Edward Gorey & Peter F. Neumeyer
Gorey mid-century illustrator of the macabre collaborated on 3 books with Neumeyer. Over a 13-month time period they exchanged many letters. Gorey illustrated his letters with his drawings, and these have been published by Neumeyer features 35 illustrated envlopes, 60 postcards and 75 letters...
September 2011
Charles M. Russell - Cowboy painter, who worked in oil, watercolor, pen and ink and sculpture, often illustrated his mail with western scenes.
1902 postmarked Great Falls, Montana...
December 2011
Dead Letters: The Very Best Grateful Dead Fan Mail
Paul Grushkin - Voyageur Press 2011
This book features a collection of letters received by the Grateful Dead for ticket requests. The Dead instituted a lottery for concert tickets, where those envelopes selected would receive tickets. Fans adorned their envelopes with colorful artwork in hopes of their letters getting selected...
December 2011
Satoshi Kitamura - illustrator of the children's book Angry Arthur
During his 30-years as a children's book publisher, Klaus Flugge received close to 100 illustrated envelopes by artists... The Guardian ...Jan 2012
Carl Barks' drawing on Scrooge McDuck on a 1968 Walt Disney FDC
found on the Carl Banks Fan Club website... Jan 2012
1946 Dudley Fisher "Myrtle" cartoon, shown as part of an article on Daryl Cagle's website feature Hogan Alley, regarding Fisher's comic strip "Right Around Home".
Thanks to Cartoon Philately for the original post...Jan 2012
I was recently reading Captain America no28 from 2004 and noticed on the next to final page, Steve Rogers and Rebecca Quan go to the post office to mail a package. Rebecca asks the postal clerk for some cool stamps. He offers Marvel superheroes and frogs. She chooses the frogs! Weirdly she talks about licking the stamps like "those psychedelic rain forest toads". All stamps by 2004 were self adhesive, licking not recommended. Pencils for the book were credited to Eddie Campbell with Stewart McKenny, writer Robert Morales...
Zits by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman 2012.09.12
Zits by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman 2012.09.12
The Marvel stamps were cool showing Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Iron Man, Daredevil and the Wasp. Kind of reminds me of the Marvel Value Stamps found in Marvel comics in the 1970s...

Stating in January 2012 Bongo Comics followed this tradition by including Bongo Bonus stamps in issues of Bongo comics...

Mike Rhode on Cartoon Philately reported that an issue of Rob Anderson's Rex Zombie Killer #1 featured Rex ZK Value Stamps, found on the letters page of the issue... 2 stamps were issued featuring Kenji and Brutus...
Dark Horse Comics - Hellboy Junior (1999) art and stories by Bill Wray (and others). Signed by Bill Wray.
Upper left hand corner is a Hellboy Junior stamp with the issue number. There were only two issues of this book, both had the Hellboy stamp. A third book was published in 2004, without the stamp on the cover..
Chester Gould, creator of Dick Tracy, had an additional topper strip in the Sunday newspapers called Cigarette Sadie (early 1930s). Over several weeks Gould would put a stamp after the final panel. These stamps included Dick Tracy, Milligan the Cop, Chief Brandon, Pat Patton, Cigarette Sadie and Santa Claus...
Additional information and images can be found at Mike Lynch Cartoons