Geof Darrow - Mechanical

2015.10.09 NY Comic Con, NYC

In my mind Geof Darrow is a brilliant artist, however... His table was next to Frank Cho. I picked up a book from Cho and noticed that Darrow was drawing on his table (waiting for customers). I had picked up a sketch from his creation Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot a couple of years earlier (although not on a first day cover).

I approached Darrow and asked if he would provide a commissioned sketch for me. His response was "Why would I want to do that?", I respond by explaining my collection and my admiration for Big Guy and Shaolin Cowboy. His response "I don't know, I'm kind of lazy". I pointed to a gorgeous finely detailed sketch of a dragon and said "That is not lazy", he returned with "I get paid for that", all the while kind of laying back in his chair., or a cat toying with a mouse... 

I told him I was more than willing to pay for services provided, he took the envelope  (Science and Technology FDC) and told me to come back in 15 minutes and he would think about it. When I returned I saw this beautiful mechanical dinosaur-human hybrid, which reminded me of HR Geiger's work, although Darrow has listed as his influences Moebius (Jean Giraud), Tezuka Osamu (Astro Boy), Herge (Tin Tin) and Jack Kirby (they worked together at Hanna-Barbera). It was a pleasure getting the opportunity to interact with Darrow, it gives more meaning to the sketch he provided.. I believe he truly loves what he does, it shows in his work....Thank you!

From Darrow's facebook page:
I Just thought I'd mention you can purchase my 2015 sketchbook from Craig Popplewell. I am too lazy to keep going to the post office but Craig has it down to a science. So if you want em he has them!! 
