Star Wars: The Force Awakens

2015.10.20 -  Royal Mail honors the Star Wars Universe with 12 character stamps and 6 vehicle designs. 

Royal Mail also had different postmarks for cancellations for different types of covers being produced. The Alliance Starbird cancel from Elstree, Borehamwood was used as the traditional first day postmark,
the  Imperial cancel from Tallents House, Edinbrugh was used on the Prestige stamp book first day cover,
Millenium Falcon postmark used on the Vehicles medallion (PNC) cover 

AT-AT walker used on the Battles medallion (PNC) cover

2013 - Dutch artist Stefan van Zoggel produced fantasy art showing stamps that might have been used in the Star Wars universe. The stamps were featured on the site Damn Cool Pictures.
van Zoggel used some very old stamp designs to bring these stamps to life. Although in the futuristic setting of Star Wars, there had to be a past on all of these planets where they had a more archaic form of sending messages.
