Ryan Dunlavey

2011.03.26 Dewey's Comic City, Madison, NJ

Ryan Dunlavey is the artist and co-creator of the American Library Award winning comic book series Action Philosophers, with writer Fred van Lente...

The duo also created Comic Book Comics through their Evil Twin Comics company, based out of Brooklyn, therefore the use of the Brooklyn Bridge FDC for Ryan's sketch...

Comic Book Comics tells the history of the comics industry in a comic book format. This make reading some of the dry stuff like litigation fun to follow...

Dunlavey also draws Tommy Atomic for Royal Flush magazine and Modok for Marvel digital comics. His illustrations have appeared in Wizard, Mad, Princeton Review and many other publications...


Anonymous said…
Ray, I would like to correspond with you about your FDCs, specifically your Dunlavey Brooklyn Bridge FDC. Please contact me at dalux2041[at]gmail.com at your convenience. Thanks.