Shawn Allyene - Aaron - Street Team

Aaron from Street Team
2013.03.30 Asbury Park Comic Con, Asbury Park, NJ

Shawn Alleyne is a freelance self-taught artist working on the Street Team Comic Book and Video game, as well as his November 2012 Kickstarter-funded comic Aizan, the story of a young woman who is a passionate artist and graffiti activist who lives in a world wher a super-powered war has left her city devastated. Aizan blends hip-hop, sci-fi, martial arts, Par-kour, graffiti and cool superheroes..

Street Team is a collaborative effort from 6 independent comic creators:
Plot - Stanley Weaver Jr and Joseph Currie
Writers - J Currie with S Alleyne, Koran Curtis and James Mason
Pencils - S Weaver Jr
Inks - S Alleyne
Colors - J Mason

The Street Team is: Aaron (Alleyne and Curtis); the Tiger (J Mason);Blackbird (Charles Goubile); Dodger (J Currie); Stalker (S Weaver Jr)
Street Team #0 features good old school team-up of their characters, who join forces to overcome a bad-ass (Shawn's term) villain named Lord Oguun, the Iron Dragon and his minions. The comic book was created as a follow-up to a video game that was based on a pin-up drawn by Alleyne featuring all of the characters.

Allyene has also provided the art for a chapter of a fantasy novel called Dusk: A Crown of Horns by John Cullins and Night Seeker by Eric M. Cooper

Interview at Comic Privy
