Sara E Black - Winged Monkey

2015.11.07 Superheroes for Hospice, Livingston, NJ

Sara E. Black is new to the comic book scene. Sara trained at Montclair State University and  is currently working on an idea of the Bubblegum Squad Detectives, the story of a bunch of sassy young women who eagerly take on the bizarre crimes and mysteries that most cops want nothing to do with....

Sara can be found at many of the local comic conventions.. from her blog she states that she want to tell stories that are a blend of believable characters and unusual protagonists. I want high energy, fun, creeps and still be able to stretch what defines the good character..

Although the above is not a first day cover, it is a commemorative cancel for the movie stamps of 1990, which incuded the Wizard of Oz (Judy Garland), Stagecoach (John Wayne), Gone with the Wind (Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh) and Beau Geste (Gary Cooper)
