Ron Wilson - The Thing

2018.01.21 Jersey Shore Comic Con, Toms River, NJ

Ron Wilson is known for his work with the Thing. Wilson worked with the Thing from 1975-1986 chronicling the Thing's adventures through various Marvel titles, including Marvel Two-in-One

Wilson provided covers for Marvel, including Captain America, Avengers, Daredevil, Defenders, Fantastic Four, Ghost Rider, Hulk, Black Goliath, Marvel Fanfare, Power-Man and Iron Man and others

He was the regular penciler on the Marvel UK Captain Britain. Wilson has also provided sketch cards for the Avengers and DC Legacy sets. For the DC Universe, Wilson penciled Milestone Media's Icon, providing character design work and pencils and on the mini-series Arion the Immortal. 

Wilson provided the art for eh cover of the second issue of the pro-wresting comic Headlocked, from Visionary Comics.
