I was volunteering at the Garden State Comic Fest, so I knew I would have limited time meeting some of the artists. I contacted Mark prior to the show and arranged to obtain a sketch. Mark kindly agreed and when I met him at the show, him told me it would take a while for him to return it since he was heading to San Diego. Waiting is not a problem for me, especially when I know something special is coming in the mail...
I had difficulty picking a subject for him to draw, since everything he does is fantastic. I finally settle on the Rocketeer, a character I wished I could be. I do not want super powers like Superman or Spider-Man. I do not want crime fighting abilities and detective skills like Captain America or Batman.... I want a rocket pack... I know I've said this before...
Mark Dos Santos is a Kubert School graduate, whose Gotham Evening Post illustrations, which pay homage to Norman Rockwell have been featured on Buzzed and io9. His credits include work on Grimm Fairy Tales from Zenoscope; Fall of Cthulhu: Godwar and Eureka: Dormant Gene from Boom Studios, The Book of Five Rings from Smarter Comics and a Hack/Slash cover for Image Comics. Mar has also provided sketch cards for Marvel, DC Comics, Star Wars, Hellboy Animated and Mars Attacks..