Diana Leto - Vampirella

2016.07.10 Garden State Comic Fest, Morristown, NJ

Diana Leto is an illustrator and production artist who displays a very diverse style of art, from My Little Pony (IDW) to Jungle Tales of Tarzan (Sequential Pulp/Dark Horse), ERB's Cave Girl and as colorist for Carson of Venus.. 

While looking over her blog I was taken by her Green Mermaid, which is beautiful.. When presented with an artist that can offer some many styles, I have to decide on what to ask for... a mermaid, My Little Pony, Tarzan... Diana made the choice herself. After looking through the available stamps, she quickly chose the Phantom of the Opera and offered to draw Vampirella. Her reason "she likes to draw Vampirella".. I can not ask for a better reason..

I also picked up a copy of the Dark Horse Graphic novel "The Halloween Legion: The Great Goblin Invasion" created by Martin Powell and Leto, with art by Thomas Boatwright and Leto.. hope to see more of this...

During of conversation Diana had mentioned her grandfather had worked for he US Post Office and was involved with the production and design of the Paul Revere stamp, part of the Liberty series released in 1958..
