Jim Salicrup - The Thing

2015.04.12 East Coast Comic Con, Secaucus, NJ

Jim Salicrup has served as editor at Marvel Comics, for twenty years, working on titles such as Uncanny X-Men, Fantastic Four, Avengers and Spider-Man..

At Topps Comics Salicrup edited Bram Stoker's Dracula, X-Files and Zorro..

Salicrup also worked for Stan lee Media and currently at Papercutz, which publishes Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys. He is also a trustee at the Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art in New York City...

At comic book shows, Salicrup has a sign at this table promoting "Lousy Art $5", and his table is littered with half-decent drawings of superheroes. I am not sure if this is a direct poke at the artists that surround him.  After passing Salicrup's table at many events I finally stopped to obtain some lousy art.  Upon receiving my sketch, I told Salicrup that I was disappointed, this was not lousy as advertised, it was good!!!
