2015.04.11 East Coast Comic Con, Secaucus, NJ
As a young art student, Roger L. Phillips was accidentally granted permission to enter the top secret facility near Roswell, NM at Groom Lake - Area 51...
For nearly 60 years, Mr. Phillips studied the extraterrestrial aliens being held at the base. He observed their behaviors, befriended them, learned from them and eventually understood them...
The Gray Zone is the result of this experience. Alien based cartoons reminiscent of Far Side cartoons, These single panel strips are hilarious...
While first speaking with Phillips, he pulled out a fan letter he received from Apollo 13 Astronaut Fred Haise, who utilizes envelopes with the Apollo 13 patch as a cachet. Upon seeing this I started discussing this project and Phillips was quick to offer his service to draw a cachet for me...
Very funny...