2015.04.11 East Coast Comic Con, Secaucus, NJ
NYC 1940 - the Owlgirls find themselves living in the human world of murder... The 3 sisters live in a Soho apartment, keeping to the shadows and a mystical corner of reality...
The Owlgirls are the creation of Italian artist Rachel Aragno, and she provides the beautifully inspired artwork, and ink washes. Dave Ryan provides art direction, enhancement and editing. Robert J. Sodaro wrote the story based on Rachel's synopsis...
I came across the first issues at a previous show at Robert J. Sodaro's table. Purchased the book and was fascinated by the story. Then Dave Ryan ran a Kickstarter for the second issue, which I am proud to say I am a supporter...
Dave was in attendance at today's premier East Coast show, so I had to request he provide an Owlgirls sketch...
Owlgirls is an original creator-owned comic series by Rachele Aragno...