Hyeyoung Seong - Japanese Animation

Japanses animation - Dragonball Z Kai issued January 23,2012 and Naruto Shippuden issued October 23, 2009. Both cachets were drawn by Hyeyoung Seong and are featured on his blog Thematic Stamp Collecting. The site features a variety of subjects such as Japanese anime, Doctor Who, Disney, Sherlock Holmes and other subjects...

The above are two of Seong's hand drawn covers from popular Japanese animation. Dragon Ball Z, created by Akira Toriyama, was first published in manga form in 1988 in Weekly Shonen Jump. The cartoon series first aired on the Japanese Fuji TV from 1989 to 1996...

Naruto was first published as a one-shot in Akamaru Jump in 1997. It would then be published in Weekly Shonen Jump from 1999 to 2014. The series was created by Masahi Kishimoto. The anime series premiered on TV Tokyo in 2002...

Thanks to Hyeyoung for allowing me to share his covers...
