2014 Batman

DC Comics and the USPS teamed-up for the 75th anniversary of Batman with a  series of stamps issued at New York Comic Con on October 9, 2014...

The sheet of stamps features four Batman designs from the various comic book eras. Bill Finger and Bob Kane's original vision of Batman on the bottom row, the Silver Age Batman, the Golden Age Batman and the Modern Age Batman (credited to Jim Lee), along with their specific bat-signal, issued in four round stamps...

Besides the traditional first day cancel, the USPS provided a pictorial first day cancellation featuring the Batman logo...
a color printed first day cancel...
a DC Comics pictorial unofficial first day cancel...

the USPS also produced pictorial cancelations for each day of the Comic Con...

Even though stamp collecting is an old fashioned hobby that many see as well past its prime. I enjoy the fact that many artists are creating their own stamp designs, often as part of their training. The below links show a couple of artists who have created their own Batman related stamps, with some very nice designs...
