Tom Schloendorn - Lego Spider-man

2014.11.08 Superheroes for Hospice, Livingston, NJ

I had this Spiderman FDC signed by Chris Claremont on 2014.04.12 at the Asbury Park Comic Con. I figured I would have him sign the cover and have an artist provide a sketch.  Prior to meeting Claremont, I was asked if I ever requested a writer to write something on the cover. I had not given this much thought, but in my usual smart-ass manner, I explained my project to Claremont I added that he was welcome to write something if he wished. He looked up at me with a look that said "let me give this consideration" - No. He did this with a slight smile and took less than of 1 second of thought. Although best known for his work on Uncanny Z-Men (16 years), Claremont did write Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man #11...

Tom Schloendorn started out as a penciler, but switched to inking when he realized inking was a lost art. Many of the inkers of the past were so good, you did not know they were there. Their job was to compliment the pencils not overtake them. Tom is credited with inking the titles Hope: New Orleans (2007), Memories and Echoes: Remembering World War II (2005), Pantheon (2007),  Varied Scaries (2004), Tales of the Starlight Drive-In, Trailer Park of Terror....

Tom was sketching Lego Superheroes at the Hospice show, so I figured a Lego Spider-Man would work great for this cover...


Spiderman Lego said…
I had this Spiderman FDC signed by Chris Claremont on 2014.04.12 at the Asbury Park Comic Con. I figured I would have him sign the cover ...