2014.07.20 Jersey Shore Comic Con, Toms River, NJ
"Only for cheese"
"Only for cheese"
I had passed Rusty Gilligan's table at several shows. I would stop and look and then move to another table. In the back of my mind I kept thinking I need to get a sketch, but I didn't have the right envelope.
On May 5, the USPS released a set of stamps commemorating vintage circus posters. I had several of the stamps serviced for first day covers. When the above circus stamp with the tiger arrived I thought of Mac and Trouble. With luck Rusty would be at the next show I was attending and I would have my opportunity. When I approached Rusty with the idea of Mac and Trouble doing a circus routine, he readily agreed...
Mac and Trouble are based on Rusty's real life pets. The story of two average house cats who fall through a wormhole in their litter box and land in the middle of the Nexus of realities. Accident or destiny? The evil Professor Wormhole holds the answer...
Posted on Rusty Ink! - Mac and Trouble will appear in The War of the Independents, Red Anvil Comics by Dave Ryan. This is one comic I always look forward to the next issue...
Rusty has worked on many titles in the comic industry, including storyboard artist for Captain America: The First Avenger, The Walking Dead, Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man 3 and Heavy Metal...
Credited as starting the sketch card while working for "Clubhouse Diamonds" in 1992/1993 Rusty has also worked on cards for Star Wars, The Avengers, Marvel Beginnings and Star Trek and Recollection Magazine sketch covers (with Jim Taylor)..
On the website Sketch Card Fanatics Talk - Rusty made some great comments on his lack of formal art training "I'm so slow that I basically hold pencil and the Earth's rotation slowly moves the paper underneath it!"
On IMDB Rusty has credits as a professional wrestler and child actor...