Joe Endres - Weeping Angel Christmas

2013.11.09 Superheroes for Hospice, West Orange, NJ

While I was speaking with Joe and Paul Castiglia (Archie Comics) at the Superhero event, I noticed a drawing Joe had done of the Weeping Angels. It had a cute Charlie Brown quality but it still evoked the fact that they were Weeping Angels, probably the scariest Alien ever!

The Weeping Angels first appeared in the Doctor Who season 3 (2007) episode Blink, created by Stephen Moffet. They would go on to appear in seasons 5, 6 and 7...

That's when i got the idea of a Weeping Angels Christmas. I asked Joe if he could do the sketch and he did not hesitate to create this great piece... Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all and don't blink !!!
