Paris Cullins - Captain America and a duck!

2013.07.20 Superheroes for Hospice, Livingston, NJ

So Paris Cullins returns for another visit to the Superheroes for Hospice comic book show to meet fans, provide sketches, tell stories and lecture on his experiences in the comic book industry. Last time I met Paris he did a great sketch of Blue Devil, so this time I wanted to have hi draw whatever he liked. I used a first day cover of the "Volunteer Yourself" postal stationery envelope, since I also volunteer at the show.

Paris and I had a brief discussion about his previous sketch and I told him to draw whatever he wanted to. I thought for a minute and said I have an idea. My response was that I would what to see what it was when he was done.

Captain America and a duck! Ok so why a duck? Paris said it was easier than an eagle. How can you not love this! Cap is holding one of the flags on the flag stamp and the duck has a Captain America head piece. Great perspective on Cap! Unique!! Awesome!!! 
