Joe Endres - Colossians

 2012.06.23 Superheroes for Hospice, Livingston, NJ

Joe Endres has been writing and drawing comics since he was 6. His first published work was Cross Press Comics #1, a collaboration with Joseph Crossett and served as webmaster, associate editor and recruiter for the Megazeen...

Endres' latest work involves the comic Colossians, which feature a trio of Foxx, a character he created  when he was 10, and has finally found a home with the Colossians. Jason "Savage" Foster, an unlikely hero who seems to hold powers he is not willing to reveal. Finally the Endres tells it he was drawing a typical female charcter when the pencil took over creating fur and a long fluffy tail. His obsession with the character had started.

The Colossians book was released on June 23, 2012 at the Superheroes for Hospice event...

After attending the Kubert School to hone his skills (a gift from his wife), he became involved with Cross Press Comics. by 2002 he was involved with the anthology comic Megazeen, in which his characters would make appearances.

Now with the help of Kneon Transitt, pencils; Mark Melton, Hale Burkhin and Vlad Vergara, colors and cover art by Jeff Slemons, the Colossians have their own book, a space based action adventure comic...

I chose the dogs FDC, as a tie in to the anthropomorphic characters of Foxx and the Manx...
