Jerome Walford - Nowhere Man

2012.03.31 NY Comic Book Marketplace, NYC
Jerome Walford founded the Brooklyn based in 2010 as an independent comics and entertainment media venture. One of his first features is the comic Nowhere Man, the science fiction police action story of Jack Maguire, an ambitious police detective caught in the middle of the biggest conspiracy of all time...

The webcomic starts  with Maguire and his partner Rose Yancy on patrol, the Beatles' Nowhere Man playing on the radio. Maguire is possessed by an agent, codenamed Zade, with powers controlled by electromagnetic energy. Zade strikes on his own, ultimately leaving Maguire with more questions than answers...

The webcomic's first volume is online, drawn with a crisp line the cityscape are finely detailed. The action and story line keeps the reader interested. Excellent webcomic, keep up the good work and good luck Jerome, a pleasure to meet you...
