2012.03.31 NYComic Book Marketplace, NYC
Bob McLeod is the co-creator and illustrator of Marvel Comics' New Mutants. He began his career with Crazy Magazine, penciling and inking movie and TV satires and the Teen Hulk strip. He would become one of the industries top inkers, working on such titles as Spider-Man, the X-Men, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, GI joe, Star Wars, Moon Knight, Conan the Barbarian...
McLeod also was ghost artist for Brenda Starr comic strip, and Swedish publisher Egmont's The Phantom...
The Phantom was created by Lee Falk in 1936, a costumed crime-fighter operating in the fictional African country Bangalla. The Phantom is similar to Batman, relying on his strength, intelligence and fearsome reputation of being an immortal ghost...The Phantom lives in the Skull Cave, his companions are a trained wolf, Devil, and his horse, Hero...
Besides comic strips, the Phantom was been featured in comic books, a 1943 movie serial, 1996 film, an unaired TV pilot in 1961, video games......
McLeod is currently an adjunct instructor at Pennsylvania College of art and Design, Lancaster, Pa. He has also written and illustrated Superhero ABC, featuring A for Astro-Man, B for Bubble Man, C for Captain Cloud, and so on...Teaching kids their alphabet superhero style...
The uncanny X-Men #152 signed by Bob McLeod