2011.04.03 Wild Pig Comic Con, Somerset, NJ .. Johnny Hiro, his girlfriend Mayumi Murakami, and Super A-OK Robot in the corner. I chose the dinosaur (T Rex) stamp as Johnny first encounters Godazilla (a giant dinosaur) in the first panel of Johnny Hiro #1...
Johnn Hiro is a half-Asian busboy working in a sushi resturant in the city...but strange things keep happening to Hiro such as fighting giant dinosaurs and battling business ninjas...Hiro is more concerned about keeping his job at the restaurant than about the strange and supernatural events he seems to encounter...
Fred Chao is a free lance illustrator and graphic designer, creator of the comic Johnny Hiro {half asian, all hero}, published by AdHouse Books...Chao was nominated for 4 Eisner Comic industry awards and included in The Best American Comics 2010 anthology...
Chao utilizes a Chinese seal (the red impression) on his sketches. The Chinese seal is a stamp that is used in lieu of a signature on personal documents or for proof of authorship. It adds a nice touch to the sketch.