Jan M. Velazquz - Metaluna

2011.07.16 Superheroes for Hospice, Livingston, NJ
The Hospice Comic show is a benefit to help raise funds for the Saint Barnabas Hospice and Palliative Care Center (NJ). The shows featured several guests: Jan M. Velazquez (Inkbot.com), Alitha Martinez (Yume and Ever), David Ryan (War of the Independents), Will Olmo, Jeff Drylewicz, Paul Castiglione (Archie Comics), Erica Schultz (M3), Marcello Carnivales (Brimstone comics) and thousands of comics cheap! It was great to meet these artists and writers, thank for being there!

I first met Jan at the Philly Comic Con, where he drew a fantastic Mummy for me, to be posted later. As I left the Inkbot booth, he said if you come across anything with a Metaluna let me know. This statement did not leave my mind. The classic 1950s science fiction movie This Island Earth had always been one of my favorite movies.

When i found out Jan would be in Livingston, my mind was set to get a sketch of a Metaluna on a Space Fantasy FDC. Jan jumped at the opportunity.

The publicity photo to the left shows Faith Domergue in the clutches of a mutant Metaluna. Released in 1955, This Island Earth was based on a novel of the same name by Raymond F. Jones, and starred Jeff Morrow, Rex Reason and Domergue...
At the time the movie was praised for its special effects...
Two Earth scientists are taken to the planet Metaluna, where the local inhabitants, aided by Mutant Metalunans are trying to defend their home from the Zagons... while the Metalunans have plans of their own for the Earth!

Inkbot's Zomboy written by Christian Rubiano, Illustrated by Jan M. Velazquez
