Daxiong - Chinese New Year

2011.05.22 Wizard Comic Con, New York

Daxiong Guo was born in Jilin Province, China...1999 founded QiCartoon Studios and is one of the most successful artists in Chinese and European comics, receiveing recognition for his work, including 1st place Shanghai Animation & Comic Competition and top honors at the 33rd Annual Angouleme International Comics Festival...

Moving to NYC in 2008, he founded Flag Studios, LLC, and has worked with DC/Wildstorm Productions, Dark Horse Star Wars Adventures, Treasure of the Dragonsnakes, Superman and Doctor Light in Samurai...

I had seen Daxiong's set-up at a previous show and he was booked, so I could not get a sketch. This morning I was there as he was setting up and was able to get in a request before anyone else. I choose the Chinese New Year FDC to told Daxiong to do what ever he pleased. His rendering of the beautiful woman offset by the magnificent dragon in the background is more than I could have imaged...

Photo of Daxiong taken from MTV Geek - Wizard World Comic Con: A Look Back in Photos...Under the photo they ran the caption...Everyone was talking about hot new artist Daxiong at the show...


signedfdc said…
Fantastic & superb artwork!
That's very good artwork. Happy Chinese New Year!