2011.04.03 Wild Pig Comic Con Somerset, NJ...
Rudy Nebres found work with DC Comics when Carmine Infantino and Joe Orlando were on a scouting trip in the Philippines. Migrating to the US in 1975, Nebres found more work and fame drawing for Marvel Comics on Dr. Strange, The Avengers, King Kull, Savage Sword of Conan, John Carter of Mars, Red Sonja...Nebres also provide art for Vampirella, Warren Publishing...
Nebres' work is very detailed providing great depth to his work, where the backgrounds play an important part of his work, framing the characters and animals in the main body of work...
John Carter of Mars was created by Edgar Rice Burroughs, featured in a series of Martian novels, is from Earth and has been transported to Mars, where he serves as a warrior-savior.
The first day cover features the Apollo Lunar Vehicle 1971 (one of a set of stamps) issued by the Marshall Islands, as part of Expo `89, Washington, DC honoring achievements in space exploration.
Mr. Nebres stated he had never draw anything as small as this, and yet he still maintained his exquisite style...a masterpiece.