2011.04.03 Wild Pig Comic Con, Somerset, NJ
With a move to Germany, J.K. self-published a comic of his expressionist paintings called Flesh Angels and These Things Happen (a comedic comic).
Relocating back to the US, Woodward collaborated with A. David Lewis on Mortal Coils, and with Michael Colbert on Crazy Mary. His work caught the attention of Marvel Comics editor Mike Marts, who brought Woodward in to illustrate X-Men Origins: The Beast, 2008. Wikipedia
I had my son Matt ask Woodward to draw any one of the X-Men, he chose The Angel, his favorite and fortunately mine...he chose the original "old-school" version....cool!
Fallen Angel, created by Peter David and David Lopez in 2003.
The first 5-issue arc of the second series was painted by J. K. Woodward. - Hand drawn comic cover by J.K. Woodward...
Matt also had J.K. draw an excellent Professor X in his sketch book, see Matt's page...