Besides stamps and first day of issue cancels, the USPS will utilize a slogan cancel that commemorates or informs. In the past these slogans have been used to commemorate fairs and exhibitions, pray for peace, use of airmail, mail early for Christmas, etc. and are used in cities throughout the US. Over the past few years in an effort to reach the younger potential collectors the USPS has joined forces with the movie industry to help promote movie releases to video. These cancels included promotion of Star Trek (1991), The Grinch (2000), Spirit the Stallion of the Cimarron (2002), Cat in the Hat (2003) Shrek (2004) Robots (2005)....
I had no problem with this, since the promotion of animated movies was within my collecting interest, others have not agreed. At Patent Baristas in March 2005, there statement is that the USPS is printing an advertisement for the movies, in particular Robots and that the movie is not of national importance. It may not be of importance, but I had no issues with it. In fact I went out of my way to try an obtain a clean cancellation. Getting slogans cancels can be difficult since they are part of the daily mail stream and I started by dropping 5 envelopes in the mailstream in hopes of getting a good cancel.
When I received a nice example of the slogan cancel I sent the envelope to Chris Wedge, at Blue Sky Studios, director of the movies Ice Age (2002) and Robots (2005). Wedge was very considerate in providing a sketch of the main character Rodney Copperbottom, along with a separate sketch of Scrat from Ice Age for my son, Matt.