Ryan Claytor - Summer 2010 In-Store Signing Tour
Aug 9, 2010 Dewey's Comic City, Madison, NJ
"Car Chases and Sizable Robots and Explosion are regretfully absent from Elephant Eater Comics"
I was really looking forward to the Ryan Claytor in-store signing, mostly because he is not a conventional comic book artist whose works features superheroes. Although driving to 25 comic stores in 15 states and 5 Canadian provinces to promote his comic "And Then One Day" is a heroic feat. Claytor is a comic artist and college professor, teaching Comics Studio courses at both Michigan State University and the University of Michigan Flint. His self-published comic "And Then One Day" by way of Elephant Eater Comics, was established in 2004. Ryan's comic is autobiographic in content with strong line drawings as seen in the sketch he provided.
I chose the Library commemorative first day cover for Ryan's sketch to coincide with the aspect of self-publishing his book. We briefly considered a superhero or rock n' roll cover, but stuck with Libraries. Ryan's work has been featured at the Cartoon Art Museum, San Francisco, Ca.
Ryan's work can be seen at http://www.elephanteater.com/